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Divisions & Committees

The CAWV is organized into four divisions: Building, Utility, Highway and Associate. Each division has a chairperson and association leadership rotates to represent each division equally. Division level meetings occur to review the progress and issues being evaluated by committees. Meetings occur at the Annual Meeting held in July and the Midyear Meeting held during the Winter months.


Committee work is the lifeblood of the CAWV. What happens during committee meetings helps to shape the construction industry and the association. Although CAWV members are fierce competitors on bid day, they routinely get together to advance the industry and the state by serving on association committees. In addition, committee meetings are a great way to get to know industry peers. Committee participation allows contractors to share ideas, develop policies and programs and establish valuable contacts with industry leaders and state and federal agencies.


All CAWV members, and their employees, are invited to participate in any of our committees.


Committees and Chairs include the following:

Budget and Finance Committee
Education Committee
Joint Architects Committee
Joint Concrete Committee
Joint Cooperative Committee
Joint Utilities Committee
Government Relations Committee
Membership Committee
Program Committee
Public Relations Committee
Safety Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Young Contractors Forum

Matt Farley, Vecellio & Grogan
Maria Reppert, Bear Contracting
Courtney Persinger, Persinger & Associates
Justin Hayes, Wolfe's Excavating, LLC
Ryan Cocco, Kokosing Construction Company
Brandon Duriez, Snyder Environmental Services, Inc.
James W. Dailey III, W Harley Miller Contractors
Mark Urso, Bear Contracting
Shannon Hapuarachy, SMH Construction Company
Mary Neenan, Tempo Construction
Matt McCallister, Brewer & Company
James Ridgeway, March-Westin Company, Inc.
Matt Spradling, Benchmark Construction (co-chair)
Nathan Harvey, Sutter Roofing (co-chair)

For a description of each committee, or to sign up to serve, click here. Committee Meeting dates are available on the Calendar. Members can also control their committee appointments through the subscriptions section of their profile.